Why risk your life?

Are you leaving your country to seek a better economic future?

Are you leaving your country in search of a job?

These are not valid reasons for granting adults asylum in Norway.
In fact, you have to return home.

Many have lost their lives or have been abused on their journey to Europe.
Since 2014, over ten thousand people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean.
Why risk your life and use your savings to pay smugglers when you will not get permission to stay?

You risk being returned

Norway is not a safe haven for migrants without a right to protection.
If you do not need protection, you risk being returned by force.

In 2015, Norway deported nearly 8 000 people.
Consider this, before embarking on a dangerous journey.


Immigration to Norway is strictly regulated

If you wish to work or study in Norway, you must apply for the relevant permits before you travel to Norway.

Persons who do not qualify for asylum or other permits in Norway, and whose applications are denied, must return to their country of origin or country of habitual residence.

If you do not leave voluntarily, you risk being returned by force.

In 2016, Norway has enacted a number of amendments to ensure stricter asylum regulations. Among those are:

– Refugee status and residence permits may be withdrawn once there is no longer need for protection.

– Norway has signed a re-admission agreement with Turkey. Under the agreement, Turkish citizens, third-country nationals and stateless persons who have a valid visa or a residence permit in Turkey may be returned to Turkey.

– It is now possible to expel foreign nationals in cases where an asylum application is refused individual consideration and also represents a misuse of the asylum system.

– A requirement that both parties must be at least 24 years old is being introduced in family establishment cases. The purpose of this requirement is to combat forced marriage. Exemptions may be made from this requirement if it is clear that the marriage or cohabiting relationship has been entered into voluntarily.

– The immigration authorities will be able to refuse an application for permanent residence if this would conflict with serious considerations relating to the regulation of immigration, for example, if the foreign national in question has actively obstructed attempts to clarify his or her identity since arriving in Norway.

– It has been decided that foreign nationals who are granted collective protection after a mass flight will not be eligible for permanent residence until they have been in Norway for six years. Until now they have been able to obtain permanent residence after four years.